Where You WILL Learn To Digitize... Guaranteed! Using my digitizing software and my... budget friendly, interactive, mentored, and guaranteed
digitizing education system! Check out the details of my Digitizing QuickStart Course... When you enroll in my class... I will send you a copy of my digitizing software ( Generations 2.0 ) to use during my 30 day training course via Fed-X Ground. While you wait for the software to arrive ( usually the 3rd business day) I will begin with the topics you don't need software to learn like "what is density", "how to I use the training program", what to do to assemble your own Digitizing QuickStart Notebook, and so on.
When my software arrives you will begin with learning to customize your workspace by seeing how mine is arranged to work best for me. Then we will cover the first of three major digitizing tools, the line tool. I will show you how to bring in the artwork you are going to digitize, how to digitize it, WHY I digitize it that way, some options for other ways to digitize it, and then give you the artwork to practice yourself.
Once you have digitized it yourself, you will stitch it out and see how you've done and send your design file to me for feedback. Sending the file is done online using my personal upload page where it's easy to get the file to me for help. While I review your work, you can start on the next tool and the process repeats for the rest of the course.
There are 9 video lessons, 4 live digitizing lessons, and 3 feedbacks done for you in this one month course. You can print out the paper copy of each lesson so you will have a Digitizing QuickStart Notebook at the end of the course that contains all the lessons ( 30 chapters ) as well as your own designs, my feedback on your work, your test-sews, and notes you have taken during our live sessions.
I also provide you with a "Digitizing QuickStart Checklist" ( sample below) that allows you to keep track of where you are and what you have already completed during the course. Each day will take about an hour for lesson time if it is a video day and about 30 minutes if it is not a video day. On top of that time, you will want to take lots of time to practice, practice, practice because as we all know, perfect practice makes perfect.
Here is the Digitizing QuickStart Checklist that you can print out right now.
It will give you the schedule of lesson modules for the entire course.
Click below...